2024 Chubascos HB Championships

August 10-11, 2024

2024 Grand Champions

Ben Carlson Memorial Trophy  :  Uhaina-Kailani Hegoas

Tandem Grand Champions  :  Dave and Adalie Ford   Chuy and Sal Castro

Handboard Grand Champion  :  Jake Shafer

Mens Grand Champion  :  Jake Shafer

Womens Grand Champion  :  Christina Gasparich

See Chubascos Facebook page for all heat and finals results


15th Annual Chubascos Championships Aug 12-13, 2023

Hello Friends!
Thank you so much for coming to our 15th Annual Bodysurfing and Handplaning Championships!  It was a wonderful weekend of good wave riding, smooth administration, unbelievable awards and prizes, cool contest shirts,  good food, and tastee music! The Raffle was hugely popular again and our new caps and jerseys made it easier for the judges,  as did the 4 person heats.  The Tandem competition was the biggest ever and our Grand Champions were suberb and will be memoralized as our other Grand Champions have on a banner.  Please save August 10th and 11th for next summer’s contest during the French Olympics. There are so many friends who came forward to help make this contest the best ever.  And there are many friends who helped out hugely financially. Great pictures can be seen and purchased from Duncan Selby at selbyphotography.com ,  and he really captured the energy and joy of our sport, the fantastic Awards Ceremony, and the cool family environment. This Year’s Winners are  : Ben Carlson Memorial Trophy  :  Tanner Agriesti Tandem Grand Champions  :  Matias and Uhaina-kailani Hegoas Handplane Grand champion  :  Cameron Castro Women’s Grand Champion  :  Uhaina-kailani Hegoas Men’s Grand Champion  :  Oliver Ford  Muchos Mahalos,

Mark Skrud Johnson

Pour notres amis francais

Bonjour les amis!

Merci beaucoup d’être venu à nos 15èmes championnats annuels de bodysurf et de handplaning ! Ce fut un merveilleux week-end de bonnes vagues, d’administration fluide, de récompenses et de prix incroyables, de superbes chemises de concours, de bonne nourriture et de musique de bon goût ! La tombola a de nouveau été extrêmement populaire et nos nouvelles casquettes et maillots ont facilité la tâche des juges, tout comme les séries à 4 personnes. La compétition Tandem a été la plus grande jamais organisée et nos Grands Champions ont été superbes et seront mémorisés comme nos autres Grands Champions l’ont fait sur une bannière. Merci de réserver les 10 et 11 août pour le concours de l’été prochain lors des Jeux olympiques français. De nombreux amis se sont manifestés pour contribuer à faire de ce concours le meilleur de tous les temps. Et de nombreux amis nous ont énormément aidé financièrement. De superbes photos peuvent être vues et achetées auprès de Duncan Selby chez selbyphotography, et il a vraiment capturé l’énergie et la joie de notre sport, la fantastique cérémonie de remise des prix et l’environnement familial cool. Les gagnants de cette année sont :

Trophée commémoratif Ben Carlson : Tanner Agriesti

Grands champions en tandem : Matias et Uhaina-kailani Hegoas

Grand champion de handplane : Cameron Castro

Grand champion féminin : Uhaina-kailani Hegoas

Grand champion masculin : Oliver Ford

Muchos Mahalos, Mark Skrud Johnson

2022 Chubascos Champions

The 14th Annual Chubascos Bodysurfing & Handplaning Championships were held at the Huntington Beach, 9th Street break, August 13th & 14th.

The Grand Champions in each category are as follows:

Tandem: Dave and Oliver Ford

Women’s Grand Champion : Michelle Urkov

Men’s Grand Champion : Jake Shaffer

Handplaning Grand Champion : Dave Ford

Ben Carlson Memorial Trophy : Jake Shaffer

Full heat results:

Thanks to everyone who helped make the 14th Annual Chubascos Championships a big success. Many volunteers spent their weekend making it happen – too many to list. But it must be noted that without Dave Ford running the electronics it would never have happened. Of course, he ran off with half the trophies, with the help of son Oliver in the tandem:

2019 Chubascos HB Championships – Finals and Grand Champions Result

The 12th annual Huntington Beach Bodysurfing & Handplane Championships hosted by the Chubasco’s Bodysurfing Association was held on August 11th and 12th. This event fielded just under 200 competitors from several different countries including France, Brazil, Australia, and a handful of friends from the Hawaiian Islands. This event was also the second stop for the California Bodysurf Tour, and saw James Fenny III take the overall men’s ratings lead, with Meredith Rose solidifying her lead over a talented group of exceptional women.

As always, the Chubascos hosted an outstanding event. Mark Johnson, Ben Laurin, Robert Johnson, Roger Tilley, Carol Kappe, Kim Spraka, along with a handful of other Chubasco’s members saw to it that the event was run smoothly, and professionally, providing good times, and memorable experiences for all the contestants. The event location on the south side of the iconic Huntington Beach Pier featured waves in the two- to four-foot range with many great rides. Several of the contestants managed to catch larger set waves from the outer sand bar and connect them to the inside section scoring maximum points.

The highlights of the event were the younger generation of Bodysurfers, most of who are local Junior Lifeguards. These boys and girls braved the elements with big smiles and typical grommet frothiness. The waves were overhead for most of these brave and talented kids. At one point there was an 11-year-old girl who dominated her fellow competitors by swimming to the outside sandbar and riding one of the larger set waves all the way to the inside section (she won her heat).

Outstanding performances of the weekend included overall Grand Champion Greg Eisele who fought through one of the toughest divisions to win the Men’s 40-59 age group, along with the Men’s Grand Final heat which featured all of the other division winners. Natalie Pompa who placed second in the Women’s 19-39 age group put on a clinic for her fellow competitors in the Grand Final heat to claim the overall Women’s Grand Championship title. Handplane Grand Champion Sean Enoka from the Hawaiian Islands showed everyone how it’s done by winning the Handplane Grand Final in his typical stellar style.

Thank you all who attended and participated.
David Ford

Photos by Chubascos Surf Photographer Duncan Selby – many more pictures are available at his website https://www.selbyphotography.com/Sports/Surfing-


Results From Huntington

Women’s Grand Final     Handplane Grand Final     Men’s Grand Final

1st Natalie Pompa     1st Sean Enoka       1st Greg  Eisele

2nd Krista Hargrave                                   2nd Kanealii Wilcox

3rd Tish Denevan                                       3rd “The Claw” Shearer

4th Meredith Rose                                      4th Tommy Kelly

5th Leinani Mench                                     5th Dylan Hazen

6th Olivia Lane                                           6th Gareth Cope

                                                                                 7th Joe Nickerson


Bodysurf 60 + Men                  Bodysurf 40 + Women      Bodysurf 40-59  Men’s                  

1st “The Claw” Shearer 1st Meredith Rose  1st Greg Eisele

2nd Mark Cunningham 2nd Tish Denevan  2nd Sal Castro

3rd Stephen Gleason     3rd Joanne Zachau  3rd Vince Trotter

4th Mike Larson            4th Dana Gilchrist   4th Thorsten Hegberg

5th Robert Johnson       5th Lisa Apramian  5th Charlie Piccaro

6th Larry Erman           6th Briguitte Linn    6th Kevin Lorch


Bodysurf 19-39 Women    Bodysurf 19-39 Men        Bodysurf 13-18 Girls                 

1st Krista Hargrave   1st Kanealii Wilcox   1st Leinani Mench

2nd Natalie Pompa    2nd James Fenny III   2nd Olivia Lane

3rd Alice Latuf           3rd Kealii Punley        3rd Briannah Herman

4th Makena Magro   4th Nathan Lehoux    4th Bridget Angelovic

5th Sunny Rickard    5th Spencer Ford        5th Ella Edmunds

6th Lindsay Yocum   6th Jacob Neller          6th Ella Irwin


Bodysurf 15-18 Boys            Bodysurf 13-14 Boys         Bodysurf 11-12 Co-ed                

1st Joe Nickerson              1st Tommy Kelly      1st Dylan Hazen

2nd Caden Cunningham  2nd Michael Doti     2nd Oliver Ford

3rd Sean Angelovic        3rd Wyland Eisele    3rd Michelle Urkov

4th Wyatt Wood             4th Michael Trujillo  4th Jake Shaffer

5th Toby Bumgardner  5th Bodie Wick           5th Gaby Kelly

6th Cameron Castro      6th Charles Cadiente 6th Tyler Bennet

Bodysurf 10&Under  Coed      Handplane 18&Under     Handplane 19+ Co-ed

1st Gareth Cope                 1st Dylan Hazen        1st Vince Trotter

2nd Alexander Laurin     2nd Michelle Urkov   2nd Kealii Punley

3rd Daxton Loughridge   3rd Conrad Morgan  3rd Sean Enoka

4th Elijah Rothert             4th Tommy Kelly       4th Sal Castro

5th Jackson Cadiente       5th Michael Doti        5th Vern Rogers

6th Olivia Dillon               6th Dax Loughridge  6th Taylor Fah